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Welcome to the West Florida Soccer Club Competitive Program!

At West Florida Soccer Club, we believe in the development of the "Whole Person," and we challenge our players to be their best at home, at school and on the field. It's about more than just winning soccer games; it's about developing athleticism, teamwork, leadership, responsibility, tenacity, resiliency, creativity, a passion for people and the sport. We're building the foundation for success at the highest level in life and in the sport, and we want you to be a part of it. 

Registration is OPEN!

Available for boys and girls U8 and up. 

For youth players, the age group within which a player participates is dictated by their birth date. Please see the chart to find out into which age group your youth player will fall. 

US Club Soccer Age Matrix


Please direct questions to:

Trisha Williamson

Competitive Program Administrator